Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August !!

All is well here ! I have been more careless than busy for not writing for almost two months. I havent even taken a vacation this year till now. I havent done so many things. But I have a solid reason for not writing a post for two months and which is that I thought I will give all you some news about me shifting to another city. But that is not happening anytime soon, so I thought I shouldnt keep on breaking my promise and write back before this month ends. I have a couple of stories to write about. One of them I narrated in School and another similar one which I read somewhere recently. But that is not happening today. May be as soon as I get some more time (as I am writing this post from office and I believe its a crime if you do not justify your pay and pass your time in office).
Okay ! Updates n information now.....
  • I have bought a Digital Single-Lens Reflex Camera (Canon- 600 D) and have been trying random stuff in random settings. It makes a person switching from the traditional camera to a real SLR camera that how personalized and detailed a picture can be. If you have a taste and vision for clicking good picture with more details, then surely buy a DSLR camera whenever you have some extra money lying in your account. But on tours, if you strictly believe in living in present and admiring the beauty of a place than capturing it in your camera, then a DSLR would be a liability rather than being an asset for you. And you will have to be extra careful while handling this.
  • We have shifted to a new rented flat this month which is smaller, less airy but cozy.
  • I am going to visit Bhopal on Rakhi and will be flaying to Delhi from Indore on August 16;
  • I have booked a car but there is some waiting period. This is that phase of life where most of the things that we do are the "First Time Things on your Own". This is one of them. And an emotioanl person like me shouldnt get emotional, attached and obsessed about these things (Like Subodh in DCH).

  • A trip to Lakdakh-Leh is on cards from Sept 3 to 9, 2011. Damn excited about it. Am going to switch off my mobile during this trip and enjoy it to the fullest.
  • I joined a gymn after realizing that some of my muscles got degenerated. However, it continued for a period of three weeks and then I realized a couple of hour extra sleep in the morning is better than going to gymn if you are draining your brains out the entire day in office.
  • An article says that Intelligence is in genes. And which means that if i wish that my kids be good in maths, I may have to marry a woman who is brilliant in maths coz I badly suck in higher standard mathematics. One day I was trying to add two different fractions and i had to stress upon my memory to recall how do you add two fractions. It becomes difficult if figures are like for eg. 31/831 + 43/1457. I was stumped and i googled to confirm if the method i recalled was the correct one.
  • I have filed IT return for the third time and my feeling that "why should we pay tax to such a corrupt government" is becoming stronger.

  • I have a stong feeling that notion of patriotism is fading day by day. A food for your thought - What makes us Patriotic? Is it only Cricket/Sports/Oscars ???? Thats it? Since the scenario in this country has become so adverse, I have to count the number of reasons that why am I living/want to live in this Country.

  • Football season is going to start soon. I am damn excited about it. I will dedicate one full post explaining why I support Liverpool FC. People who dont knowabout/or like football can never understand it.

  • Despite of dismal performance in England. I have full faith in M S Dhoni and the Indian Cricket team. Just that we need R. Ashwin,Pujara and Kohli in team very badly. I see shadow of Anil Kumble in R. Ashwin and yeh overseas matches Bhajji ke bas ki baat nahi hai.
  •  I am back on facebook. And there is a reason for that. However not so active. Still prefer twitter. And a friend of mine has logged my phone on whatsapp as well. Still figuring out how to use it. I preferred being in my own world and blogging to write my mind, being away from facebook and chats and other similar stuff, being detached than being too much in touch. Let us see how long this lasts.
Thats it for today. Shall see you all again soon. Take Care till then and live your life to the fullest. Life changes its colour and character in seconds and the time you are spending now is never going to come back soon. Make yourself appoachable and helping.