Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nightmare and its repercussions !!!

Yesterday night I again had a dream after few weeks. I think when see dreams, it means that you sleep is sound. Anyways in my nightmare I saw my marriage getting arranged by my parents. As a good boy I said yes for the marriage without even seeing the girl. Then when I saw the girl (although she wasnt bad in looks all) I said I did not want to marry her and asked my parents to cut the talk. I do not know what happened thereafter. I dont remeber other things as well which I saw that time. But what is happening........what is the reason???? I have seen dreams of happy marriage life with females I really liked. But for the first time ever I saw this "arranged marriage" nighmare. Sad ! But true! I really scared of arranged marriage with an unknown girl. I dont want to marry at all.

Today morning when I switched on my comp and checked outlook express, I found that 80 percent of my emails got deleted. Again no reason. I asked can a silly machine do what it is not asked to do? After all its a machine and it works according to the instructions given by us. I checked there was no virus as well. Then why? And Sajida (our IT manager) has done a good job recovering those emails but by mistake all seperate folders got deleted as well and each and every mail has reappeared in triplicates. And my 2-3 hours have already been wasted in arranging things back.

I am just wondering is there any connection between these unreasonable things happening with me?

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