Thursday, May 27, 2010



First you woo
then  feel blue
force your ego to boo
then strain your brain and leave eyes full of dew
put your heart in pain and all feelings you slowly chew
amidst all this one you discover who are you
then you meet another wooo-men and you think she is new
you go with the flow and try giving life another view
and you again woo !
Alas, it isnt so simple, its a circle which may forever continue!


  1. wo2men (need not be femi9)
    femi9 the creator.. (thats god 4 u)
    love the fami9..(thats wat u do)
    "femi9+ ego = wo2men"the divine equ. (known by v few.)
    be love.. (no "I" no "you".)
    when you kill that "I" n "you".
    only love remains in a circle which may for ever continue.

  2. my dear friend that is very true
    but loving like this is hard to pursue
    true love knows no bounds, no ego, neither "I" nor "You"
    it beats for love, but there is pain too
    I am still in the circle and I have no clue!
