Monday, January 3, 2011


 The second most crucial decade of my life has come to an end. The Decade of 2001-2010 means the Decade of 16-26 of my life. What a journey it has been. Life hadn’t been so lively and eventful before. In this decade, I have acquired the virtues of awareness, rationality and consciousness in life. However I am still to master the art of the uncompromising use of my mind. I used to (and may be I still) believe that I am that kind of a person who can spend his entire life even in an Island alone. I am neither an introvert (ask my close mates) nor an extrovert (ask my colleagues). But I have developed the ability to adapt with any kind of given situation. This is may be because I have seen, felt, observed and handled too many adverse as well as favorable circumstances in this decade of my life. I have gone through the worst phase of my life and have come across very complex emotions as well. Sometimes I believe in destiny and think that may be it was all written and I was bound by it with no mercy and no escape. These circumstances were my apprehensions and nightmares when they did not happen. These were problems and hitches when happened. And these have become lessons when I look back. Yes, we all do look back and laugh. Sometimes regret as well. We all are one and the same. Living in present isn’t independent of looking back into past and dreaming about future. If you haven’t looked back at all, you haven’t learned from your mistakes and you are bound to commit those mistakes again. And if you do not look into or dream about future, you cannot progress. My dear friends, life is all about living based your own experiences. Hearsay is voidable. Life is complex but beautiful. All of you are grown-ups, have been learning the tricks of the trade and are mature people. And as I always say, you all have your own experiences and different circumstances, so live life accordingly. In this post I wanted to record for my own memory (when I grow old and start forgetting things) the summary of things (that I remember) which happened in my life in this decade. But I couldn’t complete this post on time and ended up breaking my own promise of writing a most every month. But I condone this delay as I was caught up in some other important and nice things.
However, I shall put here what I had already typed instead of going in details. There is a lot to remember and think about but following is the summary of this decade:
The beginning of this decade was marked by falling in a relationship. Yes, I am not wrong when I don’t use the word love. I call it falling in a relationship. I define love as the depth in a relationship. All relationships have love but all relationships do not have a name. So people, for their convenience, tend to call it love. Be that as it may. All this started around February, 2001 and ended in January 2008. Wow, I just realized that it was for full 8 years. A very longtime indeed. And at the risk of being called “girlish”, I admit that I remember most of the “Dates”. I know everyone has to be very particular about “Dates” and anniversaries of all small and stupid things that you do together with your partner. Sometimes you do it out of love and sometime you do it as pretence and out of obligation but you have to do it. Okay I don’t want to profess about it anymore.
I gave CBSE 10th Board exams in 2001 and was quite successful as well. And I will tell you something won’t believe. I don’t remember the month (may be it was May). We were waiting for our results which were scheduled to come on 31st of that month. And I had a dream between the 27th night and 28th morning (most probably it was early in the morning) that I have score 85.4% in the Boards. And guess what I actually scored 85.4% in the Boards. Who sees percentage in decimal points in his dream and which turns out to be bang on target. I never had such an accurate dream before. And may be I will never have.
Then since my dad got transferred to Indore, he made an attempt to take me as well as our family planned to shift in phases. First dad and me. And then mom and brother as my brother was preparing for engineering entrance exam. It was very difficult as I did not know anyone else in that city except my dad. And I spent three difficult months there. I was fully involved in sports during these three months and almost quit studying. And I thought my relationship was over. Finally I had a typhoid and dad decided to export me back to Bhopal in my old shool. Old villain re-entry. Arrey mind blowing (remember this dialougue from rehna hai tere dil main?). Then started two golden years of 11th and 12th standards of my school life of endless fun. Danbhai, how deadly we were in those days. Phod Dengey !!! And my relationship resumed. I also recall me and rishi wanting to take PCM with Economics in XI Standard in Campion School (which combination was not there in our school) and we went upto the extent to clearing the entrance exam and even dared to go for admission alone with each other and were finally thrown out because we had not informed our respective parents about the same. That was hilarious.
Then is the tale of my college life between 2003-2008. A saga of the golden days. There are so many things to share. First year, Bhopali-Delhites, Introduction, Pole-dance, Fahion show, dance in the freshers, boycott, Friends, Infatuation, Commitment towards my relationship, Mindori, kerwa, flooded savanna grasslands, Café-chino, cricket three times champions, football one time champions and 2 time runners up, volleyball one time champion, play, Spiritus-2006, Invicta-2008, Viruddhaka -2008, Kerla Law Academy Moot-2006, Henry Dunant Moot-2007, Internships, Beer-Pitchers at TC, Microsoft Scholarship and what not. This list will never end. May be I will cover each and every aspect sometime later in subsequent posts.
The period between October, 2007 till November 2010 was the most tragic phase I have ever been through. I need not explain anything here coz I shall remember everything throughout my life.
Then there is another new phase of life after joining WG on 7th June, 2008 till the end of this year. I will son finish three years here and I am still happy till I get exhausted by the heat of this profession. I must confess, work has now increased like crazy and there aren’t too many things left to do after a days’ play is over. It is all about creating a balance in your lives.
So my dear blog readers, my advice to you in this new year is that accept people the way they are. A jerk will always remain a jerk and humble will be humble always. But both exist in this world with their set of ideologies. Accept them without cribbing but restrict your behaviour and actions based on their character. Please all of you, show the love and respect you have for your parents, friends and other people in your lives. Only in tragic and sad moments of life we realize the value of people in our lives and then some times regret. Live life such that you do not have to regret. Be loyal and faithful and do not betray the trust and confidence that people have in you. Always be truthful and honest with yourself. Once you learn this, you shall be truthful to everyone else. Even I shall try to stick to my these words. May this decade brings a lot of love, happiness and prosperity for you and your loved ones.  

P.S.: It was unintentional but the total number of posts in my first year of blogging was 29. And that is a lucky number for me. Those who know me know why.

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