The title of this post appears as if its a biography of a retired professional cricketer!!! Neither am I retired nor am I a professional cricketer. I am just an amateur cricketer who during his childhood (like every second child in India) dreamt of making into Indian cricket team.
In India only a few lucky children get requisite support from their families to play a full time cricket. I unfortunately was not among those lucky ones. My sports career (amateur) started as a cricketer and since I had an exceptional aptitude for sports and thirst to do well, I could play almost every game i tried playing (well! exceptions are always there). I played football, volleyball, basketball, badminton and was a sprinter as well. I have tried my hands at lawn tennis, table tennis and squash as well (which i confess i am not so good at). So, in absence of luck, support and courage(to go against the flow), I became jack of all trades and master of none (though I believe I was talented). And I did law as well. Earlier they used to say about LAW that who did not have anything to do, did law. So many times it happens that professional sports person too do law. I call them "Sportsmen who do law" and people like me "lawyers who play sports". The same was a good line for our defence when we played against GLC Calicut (who were Sportsmen who do law) at Spiritus (an inter-law school sports fest). We had almost won then but lost in last minute. Ashu (a batchmate of mine at NLIU) ! U should have scored man! Anyways what is done is done and it cannot be undone (Mr. Ghayur Alam's favourite line is guess. I respect him alot !!). Okay I have told you all this to tell that I am lawyer who plays sports !!!
Let us come back to the topic. When I try remembering when I started playing cricket, I see the image of myself playing cricket with my dad and brother in front of garage at our house in Raipur. I guess my brother started playing cricket before I did and he was the one taught me how to bowl properly with full shoulder movement, jump and everything (as per the rules of the game). I think bowling is difficult while batting comes naturally to everyone. So my brother gave me the game or cricket. He was my first coach. I have never ever taken any professional coaching from anyone. May be i did not want to become a cricketer so desperately.
Then I remember being a part of team of Godavari house in Gyan Ganga Educational Academy Raipur. At a very young age ( i dont remeber age but yeah it was Class 3), i got to play in a inter-house match. Sadly no one identified me as I was wearing a helmet. But yeah i wont forget that.
Then dad was transferred and we came to Bhopal and when I joined fourth standard, Cricket gave me a very precious and important friend in my life. Rishi. Just like kids who are newly admitted in a school, I did not have friends and during sports period i was sitting in a corner watching fellow students play cricket. Rishi (who was a giant kid then) came to me and asked me if i play cricket. Upon my nod he sent me to bat and I remember I hit some good shots. Hitting those shots never meant anything to us, but that moment did. Sometimes only a single moment is sufficient to know the person and sometimes even after spending ages you cannot know the person. Former was the case with us and thereafter we have spent ages with each other. I cannot put down in words what he means to me. Even if I did not know how to play cricket and even if I would not even have hit those shots, we still would have been the best of friends. This defines our friendship. “Come what may” !!! I can proudly say that.
I need not mention that by then I had improved my batting and I used to think of myself as an all-rounder (that’s another word which defines my life!).
Cricket had other effects has well. I desperately wanted a cricket kit with those fancy bat, pads, gloves, guards etc. And dad had promised me that if I get good marks, he will get a kit for me. And Cricket forced me to get good marks as well and I got a kit.
Then I remember those days in Shahpura. The hardcore tennis ball cricket era. There were quite a few grounds in shahpura and I used to play with the junior team (my age group) and my brother used to play with the senior team (his age group and above excluding uncles). Those were really good days and I enjoyed being the captain of the team and one of the best players of the team (I believe that I have been one of the best player of whichever team I have played for. I am not self-obsessed. Its true. Ask anyone!). We used to play matches with other local teams and win. And once I got an opportunity to play with the senior team as their 11th player did not turn up. That’s how even players in reserves in our national team get a chance in the playing 11. The phenonmenon is same everywhere. Only the level changes. And I remember a guy from the opponent team pushed me on my chest as I was a umpire and did not give a batsman run out. And then when he was batting, I took an astonishing catch to get him out. I took my revenge and made it permanently in the senior team. So like the Waughs, the Flowers and the Chappels, “Gopals” too played cricket together in the same team. We (me n my brother) used to fight a lot. And then we shifted to Char Imli. I was in 6th standard then. Couple of times I tried to go till shahpura just to play cricket but then the link was broken n everything got lost somewhere. But the lessons I got shall always be there. The thing is that whenever you are doing anything anywhere u learn from it without realizing and later on at some point of time when you look back, you realize what u had learned !!!
Then are the days of cricket in school. We did not play so much cricket in school that time as there used to be only 40 minutes in a sports period for you to play. I always wondered that whenever teachers are teaching those 40 minutes seem to be 2-3 hours and when we are playing those 40 minutes are like 20 minutes only.
Around 7th - 8th standard there used to be a myth in our school. Myth of a school team (which never played any match with any team but still it was there!). So they selected a school team and I never came to know about the same. Then one day I was told that we had a school team. And once we had a match in Co-curricular activities period between the School Team and Rest of the School team (I was picked up in the rest of the school team). I don’t remember anything much except the fact that we needed 6 runs to win in the last ball and I hit a six of the last ball to win (I still believe an over was remaining but the news that got spread was that I hit the six of the last ball. This fact is disputed.) I had become a hero for sometime then.
Then there are those days when we used to play with season ball. We used to practice and then play matches with other teams. But it wasn’t regular. But that is when we actually got the feel of playing real cricket. I believe that tennis ball cricket is not the real cricket. There only I learned the preliminary lessons of using the season ball for batting, bowling and fielding. I used to cycle from my home till medical ground. And since used to get very tired, I remember calling my dad to pick me up alongwith my cycle.
Then came the higher classes of 10th, 11th and 12th. When we were busy doing other mischief and cricket become very less. In fact instead of cricket ground, the basketball court became our cricket field. Just like the way 20-20`s have sort of replaced 50-50`s. Total fun cricket.
And then life at NLIU got over and I thought Cricket too got over. But life had some exciting package to offer. I am working but still playing cricket. The real cricket and on a much more regular basis than ever. I have always been silent n introvert types. Ever since I joined WG, I have been the quiet and unsocial types. I mind my own business. Some people say that they did not even know who I was until they saw me playing cricket. And then we were runners up in the last ELP Cup. Some people in my office have nicknamed me Cheetah coz of my fielding. This year, in the kich-off practice session, I broke a colleague`s wrist bone while bowling. And now some call me “Hitman” and “Silent Assasin”. Some even tried spreading the word in other law firms so that we get a psychological advantage of having a “Fierece” bowler in our team. The best experience eill date has been of our journey to victory in ELP Cup-2010 final. We lost the very first match in the tournament and considering the format of the tournament, everyone thought we were knocked out. I wasn’t able to sleep and kept thinking inspite of so much practice what went wrong. We all were under tremendous pressure. A message was circulated to all the team members-
“Hey guys, we are down but not out ! Success is how high you bounce after you hit the bottom. So let us give our best shot tomorrow and show everyone what we are made of. Wahe guruji ka khalsa, wahe guruji ki fateh. So let us kick ass tomorrow and have fun.”

I just realized how much I have written. Too long, boring and may be at places self-flattery and glorification. But this is what Cricket has been for me. Cricket has given me some of the most memorable moments in life. Cricket has given me some important lessons in life. Cricket has given me friends, team spirit, patience and confidence to pull yourself back in life. Cricket has also given a popularity. Cricket has not been just a game for me. It has been much more than that. And its not over yet. I am not retired. I am not in the Indian Cricket team. I am just an amateur cricketer and still cricket has given a lot to me. And I am still playing CRICKET.
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